
HLTV发布时间 24-9-2024 23:50NinjaJam老师简单译制:Captains of seven teams participating at BLAST Premier Fall F

HLTV发布时间 24-9-2024 23:50


Captains of seven teams participating at BLAST Premier Fall Final have come together to protest BLAST's decision to allow Astralis an emergency substitute amid suspicious circumstances.

参加BLAST Premier秋季决赛的七支队伍的指挥团结一心,抗议BLAST在可疑情况下允许Astralis提交紧急替补的决定。

karrigan has sent an open letter to HLTV, signed by captains of seven out of eight participating teams at BLAST Premier Fall Final
Karrigan向HLTV发送了一封公开信,由BLAST Premier秋季决赛八支参赛队伍中的七支队长签署

Over the course of the media day at the BLAST Premier Fall Final, several in-game leaders sat out their usual obligations in an apparent stance against BLAST granting Astralis an emergency substitution amid suspicious circumstances.

在BLAST Premier秋季决赛的媒体日期间,几位指挥没有履行他们拍摄的工作,显然是反对BLAST在可疑情况下允许Astralis提交紧急替补。

The tournament organizer allowed the Danish team to swap out Alexander "⁠br0⁠" Bro for Casper "⁠cadiaN⁠" Møller past the typical roster deadline on a medical emergency ruling after Astralis claimed br0 was "unfit to play." This came in contrast with br0's agent saying he's "fully healthy and ready to perform."

比赛组织者(BLAST)允许丹麦队伍Astralis声称br0“不适合参加比赛”后,在医疗紧急替补的提交超过了参赛的名单截止日期,将Alexander "⁠br0⁠" Bro换成Casper "⁠cadiaN⁠" Møller。这与br0的经纪人说他“完全健康,随时上场”完全背道而驰

Since the decision the organizers said they do not ask teams for doctors' notes and "take teams' accounts at face value," apparently admitting they did not do due diligence in verifying Astralis' claims. In the statement, BLAST said they are seeking further clarification from Astralis and are ready to look into sanctions or penalties if deemed needed.


Astralis told BLAST br0 "is unfit to play" for emergency sub; IGLs threaten to skip media day in protest


During a highly scrutinized media day on Tuesday, Russel "⁠Twistzz⁠" Van Dulken, Aleksi "⁠Aleksib⁠" Virolainen, Marco "⁠Snappi⁠" Pfeiffer, Dan "⁠apEX⁠" Madesclaire, Janusz "⁠Snax⁠" Pogorzelski and Finn "⁠karrigan⁠" Andersen took matters into their own hands by sitting out the media obligations under the pretense of an illness.

在周二媒体日期间,Twistzz,Aleksib,Snappi⁠,apEX,⁠Snax,karrigan 扛起责任,以假装身体抱恙为原因缺席媒体日拍摄。

HLTV has now also received an open letter from karrigan, signed by seven of the eight captains competing at the BLAST Premier Fall Final. (Despite participating in media-day activities, Spirit in-game leader Leonid "⁠chopper⁠" Vishnyakov also signed the letter.)

HLTV现在还收到了karrigan的一封公开信,由参加BLAST Premier秋季决赛的八位队长中的七位签署。(尽管参与了媒体日拍摄,但绿龙的指挥chopper老师也签署了这封信。)

In it, the players argue for tournament integrity, contrasting the current situation with two that happened at previous BLAST events in which teams were forced to use their submitted coach.


One of those included HEROIC at the BLAST Premier Fall Groups, who were denied an emergency substitution for Abdul "⁠degster⁠" Gasanov — who was sidelined by visa issues — and forced to use coach Eetu "⁠sAw⁠" Saha as the only available replacement submitted before the roster lock, according to the organization's Director of Esports.

其中之一包括BLAST Premier Fall Group的HEROIC,他们被拒绝紧急替换Abdul "⁠degster⁠" Gasanov——拍拍熊因签证问题而缺席比赛——并被迫使用教练Eetu "⁠sAw⁠" Saha,教练是在名单锁定之前提交的唯一可用替代者,据该组织的电竞总监说。

The captains argued Casper "⁠ruggah⁠" Due should be forced to play if br0 is unfit, as he had been submitted as part of Astralis' roster in time for the deadline.

队长们认为如果br0不适合比赛,a队教练Casper "⁠ruggah⁠" Due 应该被迫参加比赛,因为他是在截止日期前作为A队名单的一部分提交的。

Secondly, the captains' statement takes a firm stance against "exploitation of mental health or physical health issues as a means to justify the allowance of an emergency substitute."


"We believe such matters should never be taken lightly," it says.


When asked for comment, BLAST chose not to respond at the time of publication.


You can read the open letter in full below:


There are two things we as IGLs want to address when it comes to Blast's decision regarding the allowance of Cadian to play for Astralis at Blast Fall Finals.


Firstly, integrity is at utmost importance. The roster lock rules are established for this very purpose. There have been 2 separate cases where coaches were forced to play for their respective teams: Heroic at Blast Fall Groups, and G2 at Blast Spring Finals. Emergency substitutes have previously been denied, and in this case, we believe that if br0 is in fact unfit to play, Astralis coach Ruggah would have to step in and play.

首先,诚信至关重要。名册锁定规则就是为此目的而制定的。有两个不同的案例,教练被迫为各自的队伍征战:Blast Fall Group的Heroic和Blast Spring总决赛的G2。紧急替补已经被拒绝,在这种情况下,我们认为,如果br0实际上不适合比赛,A队教练Ruggah应该替补参加比赛。

The results at Blast Fall Finals have a significant impact on the RMR Rankings, as well as a significant impact on the teams that are currently fighting for crucial points to qualify for Blast World Finals.


The second aspect we wish to address is our firm stance against the exploitation of mental health or physical health issues as a means to justify the allowance of an emergency substitute. We believe that such matters should never be taken lightly. In the event that a player faces an emergency in the future, it is essential to respect their privacy and extend our wishes for a speedy recovery to them.


We are not requesting evidence of br0’s situation, and we extend our best wishes and respect to him, if an emergency is indeed the case. As previously mentioned, rules are rules, and according to the precedent set by Blast stating that if no substitutes are added prior to the event, the coach would be the primary substitute.


Given the circumstances, we believe that Ruggah should serve as a substitute, and permitted to play, if he is in good health and fit to do so.


Finally, if Astralis were to receive a penalty or sanction, we advocate that any fine imposed should be going towards a mental health charity donation.



karrigan, apex, snappi, aleksib, twistzz, snax, chopper


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